Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week13 - Essay Example A patent is a protection granted to an inventor that limits other people from using or selling an invention (Andersen, 2006). Patents protect the ideas of a person and limit anybody from using them without authorization from the patent holder. A grey market is created when people sell genuine trademarked goods without the permission of local trademark owner (Andersen, 2006). Such products are authorized and trademarked in a foreign nation and are of similar quality to those in the local market. It is a market where the products being bought or sold are not within the authorized trading channels of the manufacturer. Local businesses that have trademarks in the USA are highly affected by the grey market. Products in the grey market are of similar quality but come at lower prices. Due to this, a growing gray market reduces the profitability of the trademark owner in the USA. A grey market makes owning the trademark unworthy since the protection created by the trademark has no full

Friday, February 7, 2020

SNCC and the Rise of Black Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SNCC and the Rise of Black Power - Essay Example However, some key events over the years such as â€Å"Freedom Summer and Atlantic City National Democratic Convention† played a key role in the political radicalization and shift of ideology to â€Å"Black Power† (Davies ). Stokely Carmichael became the new radical leader of SNCC and was at the forefront of black power. He was infamous for advocating that African Americans should use self defence when attacked and agitating for revolutionary violence against oppression (Davies). Consequently, he further radicalized SNCC until his exit in 1967 to the Black Panther Party. The foremost tactics of the SNCC during its inception was aimed at protesting against the segregation culture that affected African Americans at the time. Later, in the mid 1960s, its involvement in fighting for political rights was majorly due to the denial of voter rights to African Americans in the South. The final metamorphosis to ‘Black Power’ in the late 60s was after the countless vio lent acts that African Americans were subjected to by the Southern racists. Moreover, the federal government had frustrated their quest for political liberalization from southern racist politicians. Consequently, the shift in ideology and strategies reflected the racial injustice, violence, and political intolerance that African Americans faced during the early 1960s to late