Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Old Man and The Sea Essay Example for Free

The Old Man and The Sea Essay Ernest Hemingway was conceived on July 21, 1899 in Oak Port, Illinois. All through his secondary school vocation he exceeded expectations in sports, and English class. For the sake of entertainment Hemingway appreciated the outside, which got him into angling and outdoors. At the point when he graduated he began to work for The Kansas City Star as a lesser columnist. Hemingway got his style of composing from the Kansas City Star’s Style Guide for composing: â€Å"use short sentences, utilize short first passages, utilize fiery language, and be certain, not negative. † He composed numerous books, one of them being The Old Man and the Sea, which was additionally made into a film. In both the book and the film, the message being passed on was to â€Å"Never surrender. † They state, â€Å"Life is an excursion, it’s not where you end up but rather its how you arrived. † (www. motivationalwellbeing. com) Both the book and the film have likenesses and contrasts. The book was expressive in which you had the option to envision and picture in your mind what was really going on. In the start of the book, while the Old Man ventured out onto the ocean again he saw two porpoises, which he viewed as his companions out over the desolate ocean. He said as though they were, playing and making jokes and love with one another. They are our siblings like the flying fish†(Hemingway 44). Additionally when the winged animal had arrived on his dinghy, he advised the flying creature that he should have been daring, and go before the birds of prey come. Then again the film followed near the book wherein it was nearly in exactly the same words as the book. The Old Man looked like Hemingway. Logos was appeared in the film by outwardly getting the opportunity to see each progression that the Old Man took on the pontoon. The music additionally helped you foresee when something positive or negative would occur. You were likewise ready to see the kid cry, which is sentiment. The messages that Hemingway was attempting to pass on was determination, and to never surrender. Hemingway has a one of a kind method of composing. Hemingway’s composing style included short, definitive sentences with the exclusion of colons, semi-colons, shout focuses, runs or brackets. Hemingway needed his short sentences to expand on to one another until they arrived at an entire storyline. Hemingway likewise utilized film style strategies, for example, â€Å"cutting from one scene to the next† rapidly. His style of composing was known as the â€Å"Iceberg Theory,† in light of the fact that his realities coasted above water, and the steady subtleties or structures holding up the realities were far out. The Old Man has wrinkly skin, youthful eyes the shade of the ocean, cuts, and scars on his hands. This helped give us the amount he has experienced. The scars on his hands speak to that he has confronted difficulties, yet he has consistently overcome them. The new cuts on his hands show that he has not surrendered and he is as yet trying. Regardless of what you will consistently tumble down, yet you’re the main thing preventing yourself from getting directly back up and pushing ahead. For an incredible duration, he has been given difficulties to test his quality and continuance. The marlin with which he battles for three days speaks to his most prominent test. Tenaciously fending off the sharks again and again, keeping as a significant part of the marlin that he can savage, until he returns to land, and not letting any outside powers put him down. The Old Man dreaming about Africa and lions speaks to him thinking back on his childhood and immaculateness, yet is presently an older man, getting more vulnerable continuously. The kid, who had first gone on the Old Man’s vessel when he was five, has been a companion to the elderly person from that point onward. The kid would consistently go angling with the Old Man, however his folks told their child he was no longer on his vessel since he had the most noticeably terrible misfortune and he had not gotten a fish in more than 80 days. Maybe the kid and the Old Man have exchanged spots by the kid being the guardian for the Old Man, â€Å"the father figure†, and the Old Man being the person who is thought about. Joe DiMaggio likewise assumed a job in the storyline despite the fact that you never observed him; he was the Old Mans legend. The Old Man venerates him as a model of solidarity and duty, and his musings move in the direction of DiMaggio at whatever point he needs to console himself of his own quality. Hemingway’s special style of composing permits perusers to effortlessly envision the plot, as though it was a film. This is done through short sentences that expand on each other. This likewise permits his books, for example, The Old Man and the Sea, to be made into motion pictures that are effectively equivalent. His utilization of similitudes and graphic composing make this conceivable. Using logos and feeling, Hemingway effectively passed on the message of constancy. Again and again the Old Man was attempted, yet he never surrendered.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Edit the paper for the final draft submission Essay

Alter the paper for the last draft accommodation - Essay Example As indicated by Aristotle, bliss is the most noteworthy great that a man can acquire and is accomplished by activity (Ostwald 59). Aristotle concurs that there are numerous beneficial things separated from joy. What makes bliss stand apart as the most elevated great is that it is sought after for the wellbeing of its own. It is itself an end given that it is adequate and can't be used past itself. For instance, you can't look for joy with the goal that you find a new line of work. Other beneficial things are pressed together for different things or as a methods for getting something different. For instance, seeking after a vocation in order to be financially steady or get a pleasant social class. Consequently this activity must be used in order to acquire the monetary dependability wanted. Aristotle’s hypothesis depends on the explanation that each man is focusing on some end. It is this craving starts everything about activities. Accordingly, carrying on with a functioning upright life is the best way to draw nearer to this ideal end. Nonetheless, these activities are not the ones that will bring bliss. They are only a methods for endeavoring towards it. As per him, bliss is some acceptable in which moral life is revolved around consequently nobody activity brings satisfaction as it likewise contrasts for every individual. For instance, for a poor man, their perspective on satisfaction is in wealth. Concerning the rich or when the poor man gets rich, the center movements to respect or influence. In this manner, the circle is gooey however at long last arrives at an end as substantiated by Ostwald (259). Aristotle separates joy and joy. A pleasurable life can't be compared to an upbeat life. This is on the grounds that bliss is procured by ethical acts. To help this, he contends that individuals are sane contrasted with creatures henceforth they can separate among joy and satisfaction. As it were, Aristotle contends that satisfaction is accomplished by carrying on of prudence. One’s good activities should lie between the two good limits. Men are likewise expected to look for truth through examination and reasoning. They can

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Essence of Writing an APA Term Paper

The Essence of Writing an APA Term PaperWriting an APA term paper is very similar to writing a thesis, and a lot of students get confused by this. What makes a term paper different from a thesis? How do you prepare for one?The first step in preparing for an APA term paper is to understand what is required. If you're unsure what exactly the student writing the paper will be expected to write, then it's important to discuss this with your professor. Understanding this will help you to be as prepared as possible. Your professor may even be able to provide advice about which term papers to choose and which ones to avoid.There are three main kinds of APA term papers: research papers, literature reviews, and the standard APA essay. If you are unsure of what each of these entails, then it's a good idea to have a conversation with a professor. They can help you identify the requirement of each type of paper.While most research papers are relatively easy to write, the APA essay is much more d ifficult. In order to get through this, you'll need to know what to do. Assess the writing skills you have before you begin writing. Knowing how to structure a paper is very important to succeed at this.Once you know how to structure your term paper, you can start putting together the type of research and writing you'll need. These steps are critical to success. Although the APA term paper may seem easy, the average student writing one will struggle.One key factor in any APA term paper is your ability to read between the lines. Make sure you understand what is expected of you before beginning. You should take note of what your professor is saying and make a mental note of what he or she is expecting.It's also helpful to familiarize yourself with the standards for APA papers before beginning. There are a variety of different areas that you should strive to meet in order to be accepted for a term paper. You can find out more about these requirements by contacting your university.If yo u are unsure of what to expect when writing your term paper, then it's best to check with your professor. Knowing the criteria for writing a term paper will help you to be as prepared as possible. Whether you've studied writing for years or you're just starting out, you can be as prepared as possible to write an APA term paper.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Presidential Debate Essay - 581 Words

Presidential Debate Another four years another presidential debate. Before I go on to the current debates let me state a few facts about past ones. The Lincoln and Douglas debate was in important because it started Lincoln presidential career. The Debates lasted from August 21 -- October 15. There where seven of them, with two days to two weeks in between. Each debate lasted three hours; first candidate spoke for one hour; the second for one and a half hours; the first replying for a half hour. Candidates alternated going first. The topics involved where primarily slavery and the Union. Other important debates were the 48 and 57. They were the only debates before 1960; there were no presidential debates between 1960 and 1976. In†¦show more content†¦Its a school of strong discipline a high standards. Its one of the best schools in Houston. Thats my vision for public education all around America.(Governor Bush) Bush also wants to change Head Start to a reading program and also he wants people to access reading money if they want to. Bush wants more kids to learn how to read and have more teach-for-the-children type teachers. Bush only cares for the children. Gore on the other hand agrees with only a couple of things that Bush stated. He strongly supports accountability; he also supports local control. Bush and Gore agree on both. Gore thinks every teacher should be tested including in the subjects that they teach. He also thinks that 100,000 new teachers should be recruited to reduce class size. The main reason for that is because a man gave him a letter from his daughter. The girl is the 36th student in her class; the picture attached showed that there was no room for one desk so she had to stand. He also wants to make college tax deductible (up to $10,000 a year). I believe that both of the candidates have very good points on education, they were to combine there ideas they would come up with a very good education plan. I like college being tax deductible and I also like the 100,000 more teachers for to reduce class size.Show MoreRelatedThe Presidential Debate On Politics Essay1140 Words   |  5 Pagespolitical debates are broken. A constructive national debate is something that is quite important to the functioning of the American system of democracy. Civil discussions and disagreements have been what fuels progress in this country. Now, at a time of heightened awareness from many American people, the political debates in this country don’t seem to be providing them with good cogent arguments. Instead they are filled with fallacies and many falsehoods. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

The History of the Italian Language

You’re always hearing that Italian is a romance language, and that’s because linguistically speaking, it’s a member of the Romance group of the Italic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages. It is spoken principally in the Italian peninsula, southern Switzerland, San Marino, Sicily, Corsica, northern Sardinia, and on the northeastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, as well as in North and South America. Like the other Romance languages, Italian is a direct offspring of the Latin spoken by the Romans and imposed by them on the peoples under their dominion. However, Italian is unique in that of all the major Romance languages, it retains the closest resemblance to Latin. Nowadays, it’s considered one language with many different dialects. Development During the long period of Italian’s evolution, many dialects sprang up, and the multiplicity of these dialects and their claims upon their native speakers as pure Italian speech presented a peculiar difficulty in choosing a version that would reflect the cultural unity of the entire peninsula. Even the earliest popular Italian documents, produced in the 10th century, are dialectal in language, and during the following three centuries Italian writers wrote in their native dialects, producing a number of competing regional schools of literature. During the 14th century, the Tuscan dialect began to dominate. This may have happened because of Tuscany’s central position in Italy and because of the aggressive commerce of its most important city, Florence. Moreover, of all the Italian dialects, Tuscan has the greatest similarity in morphology and phonology from classical Latin, which makes it harmonize best with the Italian traditions of Latin culture. Finally, Florentine culture produced the three literary artists who best summarized Italian thought and feeling of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance: Dante, Petrarca, and Boccaccio. The First 13th Century Texts In the first half of the 13th century, Florence was preoccupied with the development of trade. Then interest began to broaden, especially under the lively influence of Latini. Brunetto Latini (1220-94): Latini was exiled to Paris from 1260 to 1266 and became a link between France and Tuscany. He wrote the Trà ¨sor (in French) and the Tesoretto (in Italian) and contributed to the development of allegorical and didactic poetry, along with a tradition of rhetoric upon which dolce stil nuovo and Divine Comedy were based.The dolce stil nuovo (1270-1310): Although in theory they continued the Provenà §al tradition and counted themselves members of the Sicilian School of Federico IIs reign, the Florentine writers went their own way. They used all their knowledge of science and philosophy in a delicate and detailed analysis of love. Among them were Guido Cavalcanti and the young Dante.The Chroniclers: These were men of the merchant class whose involvement in city affairs inspired them to write tales in the vulgar tongue. Some, such as Dino Compagni (d. 1324), wrote about local conflicts and rivalries; others, like Giovanni Villani (d. 1348), took on much wider E uropean events as their subject. The Three Jewels in the Crown Dante Alighieri (1265-1321): Dantes Divine Comedy is one of the great works of world literature, and it was also proof that in literature the vulgar tongue could rival Latin. He had already defended his argument in two unfinished treatises, De vulgari eloquentia and Convivio, but to prove his point it needed the Divine Comedy, this masterpiece in which Italians rediscovered their language in sublime form (Bruno Migliorini).Petrarch (1304-74): Francesco Petrarca was born in Arezzo since his father was in exile from Florence. He was a passionate admirer of ancient Roman civilization and one of the great early Renaissance humanists, creating a Republic of Letters. His philological work was highly respected, as were his translations from Latin into the Vulgate, and also his Latin works. But it’s Petrarchs love poetry, written in the vulgar tongue, that keeps his name alive today. His Canzoniere had enormous influence on the poets of the 15th and 16th centuries.Boccaccio (1313-75): This was a man from the rising commercial classes, whose principal work, ​​Decameron, has been described as a merchants epic. It consists of one hundred stories told by characters who are also part of a story that provides the setting for the whole, much like The Arabian Nights. The work was to become a model for fiction and prose writing. Boccaccio was the first to write a commentary on Dante, and he was also a friend and disciple of Petrarch. Around him gathered enthusiasts of the new humanism. La Questione Della Lingua The question of the language, an attempt to establish linguistic norms and codify the language, engrossed writers of all persuasions. Grammarians during the 15th and the 16th centuries attempted to confer upon the pronunciation, syntax, and vocabulary of 14th-century Tuscan the status of a central and classical Italian speech. Eventually, this classicism, which might have made Italian another dead language, was widened to include the organic changes inevitable in a living tongue. In the dictionaries and publications of the, founded in 1583, which was accepted by Italians as authoritative in Italian linguistic matters, compromises between classical purism and living Tuscan usage were successfully effected. The most important literary event of the 16th century did not take place in Florence. In 1525 the Venetian Pietro Bembo (1470-1547) set out his proposals (Prose della volgar lingua - 1525) for a standardized language and style: Petrarca and Boccaccio were his models and thus became the modern classics. Therefore, the language of Italian literature is modeled on Florence in the 15th century. Modern Italian It wasn’t until the 19th century that the language spoken by educated Tuscans spread far enough to become the language of the new nation. The unification of Italy in 1861 had a profound impact not only on the political scene but also resulted in a significant social, economic, and cultural transformation. With mandatory schooling, the literacy rate increased, and many speakers abandoned their native dialect in favor of the national language.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descartes Debate On Dualism - 944 Words

Descartes’ debate for dualism is called the divisibility argument, where he believes the mind cannot be divided while the body can and, as a result, the mind and body are distinct. But is this really true? I have evaluated Descartes’ reasons for believing in the divisibility of the body and the indivisibility of the mind from Descartes Meditations. I argue that Descartes argument does not work as he is trying to make science and church compatible and the existence of instances where the mind can be divided. The argument is introduced in Descartes’ sixth meditation when he states, â€Å"I am unable to distinguish any parts within myself.† (59) In this statement the philosopher proposes his belief of the incapability of the mind being divided.†¦show more content†¦Another way of addressing the body as divisible, is the visible fact that the body can be physically divided every time. As a result, Descartes believes the mind cannot extend like the bo dy. Descartes uses a result that was made in the second meditation, â€Å"But what kind of a thing? As I have just said – a thinking thing,† (18) to make the claim in the sixth meditation, â€Å"For when I consider the mind, or myself in so far as I am merely a thinking thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (59) and as a result the mind, according to Descartes, is not identical with the body. Conscious, is another basis for Descartes’ argument. Consciousness is presented in the second meditation where Descartes states the mind is a thinking thing. He can conclude that the mind has a conscience while the physical body doesn’t have a conscience so again, the mind and body are not identical. After reviewing Descartes’ divisibility argument, I found instances where I would disagree in Descartes’ statements. Descartes thinks the mind remains active when the body decays from a dead body since the mind is separate from the body because of its indivisibility. By Des cartes stating this, he is saying the mind cannot be known by science while the body can. Since the mind can’t, this provides a place for freewill, faith, and possibly survival of the dead body. As a result, making science and religion compatible. During this time the church is siding with the philosopher, Aristotle, because his philosophies

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Industry Management Responses to Customer Complaints.

Question: Describe about the Industry Management for Responses to Customer Complaints.. Answer: Industry Management Suggested report title Organizational Responses to Customer Complaints. Industry partner Harvey Norman, an Australian-based multi-national retailer of consumer electronics, bedding, computer, furniture and communications is the industry partner. The company operates in franchises in Europe, New Zealand and various other countries. Approximately 10,000 employees work in the organization ( 2016). The products and services provided by the company are available both physically at stores and virtually on the internet. Working at the head office as a customer care executive, the primary responsibilities involve taking care of the customer complaints and resolving them. The skills and experience is used for delivering the highest quality of services to the customers (Wulff 2011). Overarching problem Harvey Norman mainly faces the issue of addressing the customer complaints in an effective manner. The profitability, credibility and reputation of an organization shall decline if the customer base is not satisfied. The specific problem that shall be researched in the project is Organizational Responses to Customer Complaints. It is not possible for an organization to prevent mistakes or failures. However, they can mitigate or recover from the issues as recognized in the organization. Addressing customer complaints is an important way of management as the customers have an increasing expectation from the organization. Addressing customer complaint can lead to increased satisfaction and result in long-term loyalty. Customer satisfaction is important for maintaining competitive advantage. It is the duty to generate sales leads. It has to be ensured that every customer of the organization is satisfied so that he stays loyal to the brand (Wulff 2011). Overarching research aim The research aim of this project is to determine the best strategies or techniques for addressing customer complaints. It investigates the patterns or methods of organizational responses which shall be beneficial for addressing customer complaints. This study attempts to investigate the current practices followed by Harvey Norman. The limitations shall be identified so that the overall responses and processes to satisfy customers in the most effective manner. Research questions(s) Based on the overarching research aim, this research study shall aim to answer the following questions: What is the importance of customer satisfaction? What are the best strategies to keep the customers happy? What are the impacts of organizational responses to customer complaints? Data needs Both the primary and secondary methods of data collection shall be applied. The primary data shall be collected using surveys and in-depth interviews from the respondents. The secondary data shall be collected using journal articles, academic books, reports and publications. Literature review: Keywords used for literature search The key words that shall be used for literature search are complaint management, organizational responses, customer satisfaction, retail industry, complaint handling, and service recovery. Literature review: Name 2 relevant articles Cambra-Fierro, J., Melero, I. and Sese, F., 2015. Managing Complaints to Improve Customer Profitability. Journal of Retailing, 91(1), pp.109-124. Tao, K., Karande, K. and Arndt, A., 2016. How Angry Customer Complaints Influence Salesperson Commitment to Service Quality. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24(3), pp.265-282. References, 2016. ARE YOU READY FOR AN EXCITING CAREER IN RETAIL?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. Wulff, M., 2011. Giving Customers What They Want. ATZextra worldwide, 16(3), pp.22-25.