Monday, May 25, 2020

Presidential Debate Essay - 581 Words

Presidential Debate Another four years another presidential debate. Before I go on to the current debates let me state a few facts about past ones. The Lincoln and Douglas debate was in important because it started Lincoln presidential career. The Debates lasted from August 21 -- October 15. There where seven of them, with two days to two weeks in between. Each debate lasted three hours; first candidate spoke for one hour; the second for one and a half hours; the first replying for a half hour. Candidates alternated going first. The topics involved where primarily slavery and the Union. Other important debates were the 48 and 57. They were the only debates before 1960; there were no presidential debates between 1960 and 1976. In†¦show more content†¦Its a school of strong discipline a high standards. Its one of the best schools in Houston. Thats my vision for public education all around America.(Governor Bush) Bush also wants to change Head Start to a reading program and also he wants people to access reading money if they want to. Bush wants more kids to learn how to read and have more teach-for-the-children type teachers. Bush only cares for the children. Gore on the other hand agrees with only a couple of things that Bush stated. He strongly supports accountability; he also supports local control. Bush and Gore agree on both. Gore thinks every teacher should be tested including in the subjects that they teach. He also thinks that 100,000 new teachers should be recruited to reduce class size. The main reason for that is because a man gave him a letter from his daughter. The girl is the 36th student in her class; the picture attached showed that there was no room for one desk so she had to stand. He also wants to make college tax deductible (up to $10,000 a year). I believe that both of the candidates have very good points on education, they were to combine there ideas they would come up with a very good education plan. I like college being tax deductible and I also like the 100,000 more teachers for to reduce class size.Show MoreRelatedThe Presidential Debate On Politics Essay1140 Words   |  5 Pagespolitical debates are broken. A constructive national debate is something that is quite important to the functioning of the American system of democracy. Civil discussions and disagreements have been what fuels progress in this country. Now, at a time of heightened awareness from many American people, the political debates in this country don’t seem to be providing them with good cogent arguments. Instead they are filled with fallacies and many falsehoods. 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